/**左側選單收合**/ function leftMenuShow(site,id){ if(site == 'left'){ if( $( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).is( ":hidden" ) ){ $( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).slideDown(400); $( "#leftTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle02" ); }else{ $( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).hide(400); $( "#leftTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle" ); } }else if(site == 'mobile'){ if( $( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).is( ":hidden" ) ){ $( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).slideDown(400); $( "#mobileTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle02" ); }else{ $( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).hide(400); $( "#mobileTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle" ); } } } /**顯示手機版搜尋框**/ function showMobSearch(type){ if(type == "show"){ $( "#leftbg" ).show(); $( "#right" ).hide(); $( "#mfooterNew" ).hide(); }else if(type == "hide"){ $( "#leftbg" ).hide(); $( "#right" ).show(); $( "#mfooterNew" ).show(); } } //國別->地區 function getCountryAreas(countryName,countryAreaName,areaValue){ var countryId = $("#"+countryName).val(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/ajax/get_country_area.php", data: {'countryId': countryId}, dataType: "json", cache: false, success: function(data) { //Remove目前選擇的鄉鎮市區選單內容 $("#"+countryAreaName+" option").remove(); $("#"+countryAreaName).append($('').val("").html("city")); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ $("#"+countryAreaName).append($('').val(data[i]['id']).html(data[i]['name'])); } if(areaValue != ''){ $("#"+countryAreaName).val(areaValue); } } }); } var searchTimeout=new Object(); /**搜尋選擇/取消(更新form)**/ function conditionSet(type,id,source){ clearTimeout( searchTimeout ); searchTimeout=setTimeout(function(){ $( "#last_update" ).val("O"); //預設最後觸發者 if(source == "web"){ if(type == "keyword"){ var formObj = $('.searchBar'); //搜尋目的地 var fieldObj1 = formObj.find("#webKeyword"); if(fieldObj1.val() <= 0){ alert("Please input something to search"); fieldObj1.focus(); return false; } //關鍵字和日期 var keywordValue = fieldObj1.val(); $( "#mobKeyword" ).val(keywordValue); }else if(type == "country_id"){ //國家 var countryValue = $( "#webCountry" ).val(); $( "#mobCountry" ).val(countryValue); getCountryAreas('mobCountry','mobCity'); $( "#webCity" ).val(""); $( "#mobCity" ).val(""); $( "#last_update" ).val("S"); 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