function leftMenuShow(site,id){
if(site == 'left'){
if( $( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).is( ":hidden" ) ){
$( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).slideDown(400);
$( "#leftTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle02" );
$( "#leftSubmenu"+id ).hide(400);
$( "#leftTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle" );
}else if(site == 'mobile'){
if( $( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).is( ":hidden" ) ){
$( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).slideDown(400);
$( "#mobileTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle02" );
$( "#mobileSubmenu"+id ).hide(400);
$( "#mobileTriangle"+id ).prop( "class","fTriangle" );
function showMobSearch(type){
if(type == "show"){
$( "#leftbg" ).show();
$( "#right" ).hide();
$( "#mfooterNew" ).hide();
}else if(type == "hide"){
$( "#leftbg" ).hide();
$( "#right" ).show();
$( "#mfooterNew" ).show();
function getCountryAreas(countryName,countryAreaName,areaValue){
var countryId = $("#"+countryName).val();
type: "GET",
url: "/ajax/get_country_area.php",
data: {'countryId': countryId},
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
$("#"+countryAreaName+" option").remove();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
if(areaValue != ''){
var searchTimeout=new Object();
function conditionSet(type,id,source){
clearTimeout( searchTimeout );
$( "#last_update" ).val("O"); //預設最後觸發者
if(source == "web"){
if(type == "keyword"){
var formObj = $('.searchBar');
var fieldObj1 = formObj.find("#webKeyword");
if(fieldObj1.val() <= 0){
alert("Please input something to search");
return false;
var keywordValue = fieldObj1.val();
$( "#mobKeyword" ).val(keywordValue);
}else if(type == "country_id"){
var countryValue = $( "#webCountry" ).val();
$( "#mobCountry" ).val(countryValue);
$( "#webCity" ).val("");
$( "#mobCity" ).val("");
$( "#last_update" ).val("S"); //預設最後觸發者
}else if(type == "area_id"){
var cityValue = $( "#webCity" ).val();
$( "#mobCity" ).val(cityValue);
$( "#last_update" ).val("S"); //預設最後觸發者
}else if(type == "groupMob"){
if($( "#"+type ).prop("checked")){
$( "#"+type ).prop("checked","");
$( "#"+type ).prop("checked","true");
}else if(type == "catLevelMob"){
if($( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked")){
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","");
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","true");
}else if(type == "catMob"){
if($( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked")){
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","");
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","true");
var mainId = $("#"+type+"_"+id).attr("data-main");
var catMobLength = parseInt( $('input[data-main='+mainId+']:checked').length );
if(catMobLength <= 0){
$( "#"+mainId ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked")){
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","");
$( "#"+type+"_"+id ).prop("checked","true");
}else if(source == "mob"){
if(type == "keyword"){
var formObj = $('form#pageSearchHotelForm');
var fieldObj1 = formObj.find("#pageHotelKeyword");
if(fieldObj1.val() <= 0){
alert("Please input something to search");
return false;
var keywordValue = fieldObj1.val();
$( "#mobKeyword" ).val(keywordValue);
$( "#right" ).show();
var countryValue = $( "#mobCountry" ).val();
$( "#webCountry" ).val(countryValue);
type: "POST",
url: "/ajax/search_from_mobile.php",
data: $("form#mobForm").serialize(),
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
$( "#country_id" ).val(data['country_id']);
$( "#area_id" ).val(data['area_id']);
$( "#city_id" ).val(data['city_id']);
$( "#cat_level_id" ).val(data['cat_level_id']);
$( "#cat_id" ).val(data['cat_id']);
$( "#hour_id" ).val(data['hour_id']);
$( "#price_id" ).val(data['price_id']);
$( "#language_id" ).val(data['language_id']);
$( "#group_id" ).val(data['group_id']);
$( "#keyword_id" ).val(data['keyword_id']);
$( "#sdate_id" ).val(data['sdate_id']);
$( "#edate_id" ).val(data['edate_id']);
$( "#topCount" ).val(data['topCount']);
if(source == "mob"){
$( "#leftbg" ).hide();
$( "#mfooterNew" ).show();
showPageNo = "YES";
$( "#nodataShow" ).hide();
loading.data("on", true).fadeIn(function() {
}, 500);
function screenSet(source){
var temp = "";
$( "#webKeyword" ).val("");
$( "#mobKeyword" ).val("");
if($( "#keyword_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#keyword_id" ).val();
var keywordValue = temp.substr(0,temp.length-1);
$( "#webKeyword" ).val(keywordValue);
$( "#mobKeyword" ).val(keywordValue);
$( "#webCountry" ).val("");
$( "#mobCountry" ).val("");
if($( "#country_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#country_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
$( "#webCountry" ).val(temp[0]);
$( "#mobCountry" ).val(temp[0]);
if($( "#area_id" ).val().length <= 0){
$( "#webCity" ).val("");
$( "#mobCity" ).val("");
if($( "#area_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#area_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
$( 'input[name="catLevelWeb[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
$( 'input[name="catLevelMob[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#cat_level_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#cat_level_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
for(var i=0;i < temp.length;i++){
$( "#catLevelWeb_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#catLevelMob_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( 'input[name="catWeb[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
$( 'input[name="catMob[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#cat_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#cat_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
for(var i=0;i < temp.length;i++){
$( "#catWeb_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#catMob_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
checkFTwoBox('sub', "#catWeb_"+temp[i]);
checkFTwoBox('sub', "#catMob_"+temp[i]);
$( 'input[name="hourWeb[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
$( 'input[name="hourMob[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#hour_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#hour_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
for(var i=0;i < temp.length;i++){
$( "#hourWeb_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#hourMob_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( 'input[name="priceWeb[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
$( 'input[name="priceMob[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#price_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#price_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
for(var i=0;i < temp.length;i++){
$( "#priceWeb_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#priceMob_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( 'input[name="languageWeb[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
$( 'input[name="languageMob[]"]:checkbox' ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#language_id" ).val().length > 0){
temp = $( "#language_id" ).val();
temp = temp.replace(/@/g,'');
temp = temp.split(',');
for(var i=0;i < temp.length;i++){
$( "#languageWeb_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#languageMob_"+temp[i] ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#webGroup" ).prop("checked","");
$( "#groupMob" ).prop("checked","");
if($( "#group_id" ).val().length > 0){
$( "#webGroup" ).prop("checked","true");
$( "#groupMob" ).prop("checked","true");
type: "POST",
url: "/ajax/searchbox_defult_show.php",
data: $("#sendForm").serialize(),
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
if(source == "mob"){
$( "#searchBox" ).show();
$( "#searchBox" ).hide();
if(data['total'] > 0){
$( "#mobSearchBtn" ).addClass("hold");
$( "#mobSearchBtn" ).removeClass("hold");
function clearKeyword(){
type: "POST",
url: "/ajax/check_search_keyword.php",
data: {keyword_id : $( "#keyword_id" ).val()},
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
if(data['checkType'] == "Y"){
$( "#webKeyword" ).val("");
$( "#mobKeyword" ).val("");
function changeTitle(){
var keyWord = $("#keyword_id").val();
if(keyWord.length > 0){
var showStr = keyWord.substr(0,keyWord.length-1);
$(document).prop("title", showStr+' search result | Tripbaa趣吧!');
$("#searchResult h2").html(''+showStr+' search result');
$(document).prop("title", 'Tripbaa趣吧!');
$("#searchResult h2").html('search result');