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包棟的「棟數」或背包客房的「床數」,即為您選擇的房間數。例:想找兩棟包棟房型,房間數請選擇 2。
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TWD $ 0 up

Infinity Resort AGENA

Japan | Okinawa |

25 are interested with this tour

Infinity Resort AGENA
包棟的「棟數」或背包客房的「床數」,即為您選擇的房間數。例:想找兩棟包棟房型,房間數請選擇 2。
TWD $ 0
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Our hotel is a completely private unmanned hotel where you can experience living like a second house with the concept of "another life".
From check-in to check-out, you can stay with peace of mind because it is a contactless self-service system.

The hotel is located in a particular location, where you can fully experience the slow time of everyday life in Okinawa.
Why don't you experience "another life" only for you?
Public Area WiFi、Laundromat、Attached parking lot、Public refrigerator、Kitchen access、Kitchen equipment / utensils、Fire extinguisher、No smoking、Iron / Ironing board、Japanese、Microwave、Smoke detector、Stair access、Carbon monoxide detector
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
Infinity Resort AGENA
・50 inch TV

・1 story (80㎡) 3LDK

● Up to 7 people can stay
・Additional bedding (sofa bed) will be used from 6 people.
・If you wish to use additional bedding (sofa bed) regardless of the number of people in your reservation, you can use it for 3,000 yen (tax included) during your stay.

Children under the age of 6 stay free of charge when sharing a bed with an adult. If you wish to share a bed with your child, please count it as an "infant" when selecting the number of people when making a reservation.
*Please note that we cannot accept co-sleeping beyond the maximum number of guests.
*Children under the age of 6 who do not wish to share a bed, or children over the age of 7 will be charged as an adult.

2 free parking lots (can be parked up to the size of a minivan)

Mobile line (Softbank Air) has a maximum speed of 481-838 Mbps, and there are no communication restrictions.
*Please note that communication speed may drop or connection may not be possible depending on the customer's communication terminal environment and line congestion.

・Shampoo/conditioner/body soap
・Bath, face towel / body sponge / toothbrush / (14 sets each available)
*Additional services are not provided if consumables or amenities are insufficient.
*If you run out of towels, please use the indoor washing machine (with laundry detergent).


These house rules/precautions when using the facility may be written in other languages such as English in addition to Japanese.
In the event of any discrepancy between the two House Rules, the Japanese version shall prevail in all respects.

▲ About the number of reservations
Use of the facility by guests other than the number of guests booked is considered unpaid accommodation and is illegal. Only the number of guests booked can enter the facility.
Even if you do not stay overnight, it is included in the number of people, so please include temporary stays such as visiting friends in the number of people when making a reservation.
If there is a change in the number of people in the reservation, please be sure to make the change on the reservation site yourself.
If it turns out that the number of people in the reservation and the number of guests are different, we will charge an overage fee together with the prescribed additional charge and may report it to the police.
*Cases where temporary stay is permitted (expenses will be incurred for overnight stays)
Helper-related/medical-related/visiting chef/healthy massage.Please contact us in advance if there is a corresponding visitor.

▲Cleaning facilities
We try to clean the room carefully, but if you have any concerns about the room, please let us know by sending us a message on the day of check-in along with a photo of the relevant area.

▲Regarding the outbreak and invasion of insects
Refunds due to the occurrence or invasion of insects cannot be made. Insects may invade or occur due to the environment near nature.
Be careful not to open the door or window, or leave leftover food or drink in the room, as this may cause insects to grow or invade.
*This does not apply to insects caused by building rot or rain leaks.

▲ About the use of the bath (gas)
Please note that the gas supply will be cut off if you use it in the following ways.
・Continue hot water for nearly 1 hour
Use of hot water for a long time and use of other gas appliances (dryer, gas stove)
· Set the temperature of the water heater to 51°C or higher.

If you use it for a long time, you can prevent it from shutting down by stopping it for about 3 minutes while using it.
*In the event of a power outage, the gas company often needs to be present to restore the service, and we may not be able to respond on the same day.
*Please note that we will not be able to provide refunds, etc. for troubles caused by gas shutoff.

▲Regarding room usage
· Please wash and return used tableware to its original place. (For facilities with BBQ equipment, please wash the BBQ equipment and return it to its original place.)
· Please separate your garbage.
· Please wear indoor slippers instead of wearing shoes indoors.
If the above cannot be observed, if the room requires more work than normal cleaning after check-out, or if damage or stains are found in the facility, additional cleaning and repair costs will be charged. We will bill you.

▲Check-out time
We do not accept extension of check-out time.
Overtime charges of 10,000 yen will be charged for each hour of stay. (Example: 10,000 yen for over 1 hour, 20,000 yen for 1 to 2 hours)
The cleaning staff will be waiting outside at the check-out time, but from the viewpoint of privacy, as a general rule, we do not use the intercom to signal, so please be sure to leave on time by yourself.

■ We cannot accept guests under the age of 20 staying alone.
■It is strictly prohibited to add more guests, use more linens than the number of guests, or allow anyone other than the guests to enter the room without permission.
■Pets and other animals are prohibited.
■Do not wear shoes in the room.
■Smoking is prohibited in the rooms and on the premises.
■Regardless of the time of day, it is prohibited to make noise that disturbs other users and neighbors.
■Please be careful when handling fire when using the kitchen.
■Bringing in or using heating equipment such as fireworks, charcoal, gas stoves, hot plates, and BBQ equipment is prohibited.
■Sorry to trouble you, but please separate the garbage and either keep it indoors or dispose of it in the designated place.
■We do not provide additional room services such as additional amenities or consumables, raising or lowering the futon, or other guest room services.
■If the equipment is removed, soiled, or damaged, you will be required to compensate for the equivalent amount.
■Please park your car in the designated area. We are not responsible for any accident, loss or theft.
■ Any troubles that occur between users of this facility should be resolved between the parties concerned.
■We are not responsible for any troubles such as accidents, disasters, thefts, etc. that occur on the premises of this facility.
■Please be sure to observe the check-out time. If the check-out time is passed, we will charge an excess fee.
■Please be careful not to forget anything. As this facility is an unstaffed hotel, we can only return lost items by cash on delivery.
In addition to the cash on delivery fee, an administrative fee (2,200 yen including tax) will be charged. We will ship after confirming the payment of the "administrative fee", so it may take several days. Lost items can be stored for one month after check-out.

In the event of behavior or trouble that goes against the above rules and manners, we will refuse the use of the property, leave the property immediately, or charge an overcharge.
We have established rules to provide our guests with a safe, secure, and comfortable stay.
We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in complying with these rules.


所有因取消預訂或提前退房所產生的退費,只要符合退款規定,趣吧將依照您原先選擇的付款方式進行退款 (包括 : 信用卡、LINE PAY電子支付)。退款皆採取人工流程,作業不含六日及國定假日。 信用卡退款約 3-14 工作天退至您原消費卡,實際仍依各發卡行工作日數為準。電子錢包或其他支付方法,實際退款時間依各支付退款辦法辦理。
Q:發票 / 收據
趣吧將在退房後 3-14個工作天內,依財政部 82 年 3 月 27 日台財稅第 821481937 號函核准開立代收轉付電子收據,不另開立統一發票,且以 Email 方式寄送至您的會員信箱。

※ 因由系統自動開立,一筆訂單僅能開立一張憑證,恕無法申請開立多張。如有分別開立需求,請分別下單。
※ 依法規定,收據/發票一經開立,不得更改或改開其他統一編號。
※ 行程異動或取消時,為加速退款作業,同意授權 趣吧 代為處理銷貨退回或折讓證明單。
加入LINE 官方帳號 領取最高 NT$900


Email us:
[email protected]

Call us:

available time:
AM 10:00 — PM 18:00 (GMT+8)

Tripbaa Inc. Chairman: Owen Wang Contact: Kueiling Lin Address: 12F, No.197, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd. Songshan Dist., Taipei City 10579 Taiwan (R.O.C.)

© 2015-2024 Tripbaa Inc. │ Web Design by Julyinfo.


Email us:[email protected]

Customer Service Phone number:
886-2-27173918 (Taiwan)

Service Hours: 10 am - 6 pm

Tripbaa Inc. Chairman: Owen Wang Contact: Kueiling Lin Address: 12F, No.197, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd. Songshan Dist., Taipei City 10579 Taiwan (R.O.C.)

© 2015-2024 Tripbaa Inc. │ Web Design by Julyinfo.